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June 19, 2024 Leave a comment

Today, India is discussing two (2) different news. The Union Cabinet, chaired by Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, approved the Viability Gap Funding (VGF) scheme for offshore wind energy projects at a total outlay of Rs. 7453 Crores, including an outlay of Rs. 6853 Crores for installation and commissioning of 1 GW of offshore wind energy projects (500 MW each off the coast of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu), and grant of Rs. 600 Crores for up-gradation of two ports to meet logistics requirements for offshore wind energy projects. The successful commissioning of these offshore wind projects will produce renewable electricity of about 3.72 billion units annually, which will result in the annual reduction of 2.98 million tons of CO2 equivalent emission for a period of 25 years.

Earlier today, the Hon’ble PM inaugurated the new campus of Nalanda University at Rajgir in Bihar, close to its ancient remnants. He also planted a sapling as he inaugurated the campus. The inauguration ceremony was attended by several distinguished individuals, including heads of missions from 17 countries. The campus is designed as a ‘Net Zero’ Green Campus, making it self-sustaining with the help of solar plants, domestic and drinking water treatment plants, a water recycling plant for reusing wastewater, 100 acres of water bodies, and numerous other environment-friendly facilities.

The common thread in both the news illustrated above, is the focus on a bright future for the people – education and environment – technology being an enabler. Contemplating these events of hope, the sight of a thermal power plant emitting harmful gases to the environment flashed, captured while visiting the city of Jhansi, more than a decade ago on an official assignment. It again reminds us of an urgent need to take urgent steps to abate the harmful impacts of the pollution by fossil by implementing suitable De-SOx or FGD, Decarbonisation measures, etc.

Incidentally, June 18 is a day of remembrance for Jhansi (and Bharat), famous for being the princely state whose legendaryQueen Laxmi Bai, dressed as a man, got killed in the combat while leading the war for independence against the British empire 166 years ago. Some believe that the Rani (Queen) did not want the British forces to capture her body and told hermit to burn it. She, among others, inspired generations of freedom fighters whose resolute struggles led to India’s independence.

The contemporary challenges facing us are diverse, and we, the society and our leadership, must strive for a sustainable habitat, cleaner air, and healthy living conditions for progenies. This will be our real tribute the ‘Rani’ 👸

Credits to Owners

Just Convince Self – Not Others

June 17, 2024 Leave a comment

What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

In behavioural discourse, we often hear that the easiest thing is to change oneself rather than trying to change others – being in personal or professional situations.

I believe, accepting the fact that we can move toward solutions by adapting to any given situation by negotiating with ourselves. We know what is good for self and see the situation from the perspective of resolving it and not escalate it, when not needed.

I would not mind learning from anyone and accepting that there might be an alternate version of the same story. At the end, it has to be the amicable way out, I shall put my effort in that direction.

Believe in self. Be the winner.

What do you think…

Cost of Quality (COQ) in the Journey of Excellence for an Organization 📈

June 9, 2024 Leave a comment

We always find people looking for quality in the products and services they acquire. Professionals define ‘quality’ as something which meets or better still, exceeds the specification originally envisaged. Any organization would aspire to be known as a provider of such offerings for its stakeholders – the people, the government or regulatory bodies, the customers, the suppliers, and the society, at large.

There are various measures of organizational improvement and many methodologies and tools are employed to assess and work upon the areas to move up in the journey toward excellence by any organization. Taking up transformational initiatives help companies become fit for the future by implementing effective and efficient processes by overcoming the blind spots in their functioning.

Executives are cautious in opting for Quality measures in their operations as there is cost involved in anything not understood properly. Therefore, it is important to understand the Cost of quality (COQ), which is defined as a method to assess the cost of ensuring offerings meet quality standards, as well as the cost of creating goods or services that fail to meet such standards. The COQ can be categorized into four (4) major types:

📍Preventive: Associated cost for reducing the potential for defective products/ services. (Re)Skilling and Training, Knowledge sharing, etc.

📍Assurance: Inspection of products, parts, processes would need a quality assurance plan. Costs associated with the evaluation and assessment of offerings like laboratories, inspecting personnel, testing, etc. are examples of such costs.

📍Internal failure: Producing defective components or services (before delivery to intended clients) would need corrective measures such as rework, rejection, resultant downtime of production processes, and add to the cost to quality.

📍External failure: Returned or rejected equipments, loss of goodwill, loss of brand name, etc. (no repeat order or punitive action by client, etc.) are some of the cost aspects which come to light after delivery of the goods or services to the clients.

The costs associated with external failure are difficult to assess and many times, have worse intangible impact than the tangible one. Professionals have to deal with the factors affecting the Cost of Quality in more than one way, so as to deliver value to Customers in their journey to excellence.

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Image courtesy to the owner

June 2, 2024 Leave a comment
Categories: Uncategorized

Be a Child with the Kids

June 1, 2024 Leave a comment

Describe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life.

Many times, acts which are often termed as ‘trivial’ make us experience pure bliss.

Acting like a kid in front of the kids act as a source of joy. Mimicking and even lisping while having the discussion with the kids on their favourite topic works as a stress buster.

Playing ‘Atlas’ or similar games; doing cooking as they wish, etc. bring happiness to me. Participating in making a doodle or something like a sand work at a beach is another act of kids  which I would cherish.

Love it!

Sand Art at Beach

GetAhead in Life with Professional Career Services.

May 29, 2024 Leave a comment
Categories: Uncategorized

A Classic Robust ‘Keiretsu’ Network for Indian Power Sector

May 19, 2024 Leave a comment

By fostering a quintessential robust ‘Keiretsu’ network, the Indian power sector can leverage the collective strengths of its stakeholders to achieve sustainable growth, improved efficiency, and enhanced energy security. A strong supply-chain network with respect for mutual interests would see the industry meet and surpass the goal of energy independence sooner rather than later.

This post emphasizes for the need for developing ‘ancillaries’ of Indian variant on the lines of Japanese ‘keiretsu’ version, especially for the thermal power sector for their re-energization which were under acute distress for over 7-8 years due to dip in the sector coupled by the adverse impact of covid-19 pandemic and geo-political uncertainties.

Look forward to receiving valuable opinion of community members…

#energy #power #India #thermalpower #keiretsu #ancillary #industry #coal #clean #FGD #sustainable #IndianPowerSector #Solar #Wind #development #innovation #technologies

Categories: Uncategorized

Ownership and Empathy

January 19, 2024 Leave a comment

What makes a good leader?

👑 Leadership 🌟 – My 2 Cents

👑 Leadership 🌟 – My 2 Cents

January 17, 2024 1 comment

We often come across discussions about leadership skills among budding professionals. However, it is more critical for senior professionals as they do influence their juniors.
I would like to share my bit of understanding in this regard especially for professionals entering the public domain. Though my view is predominantly shaped and influenced as and for engineers, I believe the same would be apt for others as well. This is primarily because behavioural traits are profession agnostic to a large extent.
Taking the Ownership and exhibiting Empathy – are two (2) most important attributes for anyone to grow as a leader in their chosen field of life.
Owning the responsibility is foremost prerequisite to see and execute the tasks as envisaged. Ownership simply means taking the charge of the situation as and when it occurs and then the magic starts. It is always preferred that a professional ‘consistently exceeds the requirement of the job’ than assessed as someone who just ‘consistently meets the requirement of the job’ or even ‘sometimes exceeds the requirement of the job’ and accordingly gets evaluated in the performance appraisal. The urge to consistently exceed the requirement set forth would certainly come from the ownership trait.
Another equally important attribute is empathy i.e., the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. This brings to the fore the emotional quotient of the professionals in appreciating the other’s point of view. Once we are aware of the situation of our counterpart (be it junior, peer or superior; associate or customer, etc.), it becomes easier to converge and agree for action in order to achieve larger goal.
Ownership and empathy complement each other and reinforce the leadership skills and guide professionals in achieving success in their chosen career.
This post is in sheer appreciation for two of my valued colleagues who demonstrated the above-mentioned attributes in an assignment today. 
Best wishes!! Vinit K Verma GIRIJESH PRASAD

🏭 Peer Learning – A Critical Aspect in Learning Journey

January 7, 2024 Leave a comment

🕯Learning is not just about certifications; it basically is about being better than before.

🕯An important aspect of the learning journey is ‘peer learning’ and it is equally relevant either in formal educational classes or training sessions.

🕯Adequate cohort strength and multi-faceted discussions, including on social media platforms like WhatsApp, bring opportunities for everyone to accumulate knowledge as much as possible.

🕯Various classwork or syndicate groups help to carry out various assignments during the program channelize the collective wisdom of the group for the benefit of everyone.

🕯In the post-Covid19 world, we see a hybrid/ blend of physical and virtual interventions. When planned meticulously, they leave no room for any regret concerning the delivery and grasp of the program topics.

Anything you like to add….

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