Home > Uncategorized > A Classic Robust ‘Keiretsu’ Network for Indian Power Sector

A Classic Robust ‘Keiretsu’ Network for Indian Power Sector

By fostering a quintessential robust ‘Keiretsu’ network, the Indian power sector can leverage the collective strengths of its stakeholders to achieve sustainable growth, improved efficiency, and enhanced energy security. A strong supply-chain network with respect for mutual interests would see the industry meet and surpass the goal of energy independence sooner rather than later.

This post emphasizes for the need for developing ‘ancillaries’ of Indian variant on the lines of Japanese ‘keiretsu’ version, especially for the thermal power sector for their re-energization which were under acute distress for over 7-8 years due to dip in the sector coupled by the adverse impact of covid-19 pandemic and geo-political uncertainties.

Look forward to receiving valuable opinion of community members…

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