
Archive for July, 2022

Humility & Simplicity: Servant Leadership

July 30, 2022 Leave a comment

The concept of ‘Servant Leadership’ propounded by Robert Greenleaf is deeply rooted in the theme of ‘Humility and Simplicity’.

When a leader, political or corporate, assures her people that they do not have to worry unnecessarily with an assurance that the situation will be taken care of, it sends the message that the responsibility to steer the team lies with the person at the helm of affairs. Empathy is basic trait required to exercise ‘servant leadership’ and such leaders naturally imbibe it in themselves.

It is also argued that excess of the trait might lead to servitude and would go against the basic idea of the leadership itself and it just becomes a submissive behavior. Such an approach might put the working system/ order in jeopardy because there will be (undue) pressure on the leader to take care of her employees’ issues and dispassionate organizational activities would get the beating.

It is important to understand that the people with inherent strength of character exhibit servant leadership without showing it off. Humility comes from being aware of the self and no artificial stuffs. Transparent redistribution of resources and just not catering to any vested interests in order to have justice delivered to all is one example of practicing such style. A person with open mind and caring heart but knowing what to do and when, would be an example to be followed for anyone aspiring to attain the desired quadrant among the Four Life Positions illustrated in “I’m OK – You’re OK”, a celebrated book by Thomas Anthony Harris.

In a nutshell, the oxymoron term ‘servant leadership’ is about an ordinary human being becoming extraordinary for the sake of others.

The Reality, not Mythology

July 28, 2022 Leave a comment