
Archive for March, 2020

Watch “BHEL develops in-house technology for mass sanitisation” on YouTube

March 29, 2020 Leave a comment

Proud moment!

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Sensitization is the need of the hour!

March 28, 2020 Leave a comment

We are staring at one of the worst human crises of the recent times if the movement of people from Delhi to outside especially UP/Bihar is not restricted and/or their essential needs are not taken care of. Most are poor and they easily fall for misinformation. Physical exhaustion and hunger will kill them if not the disease. It is Unprecedented.

I just have interacted with 100s of such people who have been walking across Delhi in the hope to get a bus for their native places in Uttar Pradesh (UP) and Bihar. They are not aware of the schemes of Government. Please regulate/stop DTC buses which are jam packed & dropping people at Anand Vihar Bus Terminal. They just have hope that they will reach home. It is just Painful.

Despite requesting them to stay home and informing that govt is arranging for their food at the shelter homes /schools, people are moving. My words might not have been reassuring for them and they continued to walk. This is going to the worst nightmare of recent history. Just tried to distribute some edibles and water, but not enough. People must also understand and restrict their movement. Government(s) must channelize whatever it can to tide over this situation. Some people were also complaining regarding the sudden spike in the prices of the items such as flour. This also needs to be regulated and reasonable supplies to be maintained. This is not the time for profiteering!

Let the Chief Minister(s) ensure that there is world of reality away from Twitter and Facebook. Make the people feel they will be taken care of. The machinery must swing into action humanely as well as by providing the necessities without waiting for any disaster of a different kind.

Prime Minister, please address the nation again and again. Make people realize the importance of unavoidable lockdown and convince them that they shall not be left to lurch!

Finally, my question is to myself as to how we can tide over the current situation. Writing here the situation i witnessed. Hope things improve sooner rather than later. Government has bigger responsibility and some disturbing and insensitive statements from people in power add to the wound. It is disgusting the way we are handling the situation. I virtually shouted at the people to stay put. But could not do much. Still people are walking on the road (ironically, Vikas Marg in East Delhi, as it is named) helplessly. Hope they get the bus to their homes!

Categories: Uncategorized

Fight Against Covid-19. We will win!

March 27, 2020 Leave a comment

We have to rise to the occasion by not hoarding groceries, medicines and other essential items required by fellow citizens. Government authorities along with civil society would be ensuring supplies of essential commodities. We should be contributing as per our ability to the various relief funds and/or civil society organizations.

By panicking, we will defeat the very purpose of lock down. Various state governments have issued assurances to take care of the vulnerable sections of the society.

We as aware citizens have to contribute whatever we can to ease out the current situation. Minimal/reduced consumption as well as sharing with the needy, not spreading rumours/superstitions, showing patience are basic things we can follow and help one another win over the covid-19 crisis.

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